Letztes Update:

Breakout Group Western/Sahel Africa

What about anticipatory action throughout Western Africa and the Sahel region?

In this breakout group, Luca Parodi, Early Warning-Early Action Regional Specialist with FAO and Shirin Merola, Africa FbF Coordinator with WFP guide the discussion that seeks to analyze and share achievements and future plans for AA in Western Africa and the Sahel region. Though we are a small group, there is a good mix of representatives from the region including the British Red Cross, French Red Cross, FAO, WFP, and OCHA.

Participants shared their experiences and recent activities related to anticipation. We hear about recent developments in Niger regarding the AA pilot program related to drought, the wide collaboration across sectors, and the current plans to organize a national workshop in autumn bringing together many actors in this space. We also hear about the World Bank’s focus on improving modeling in the region for quick-trigger applications in cases of drought.

Mariama Nouh from the WFP shares details of the implementation of the first pilots in Niger, including the mapping and identification of key actors and present gaps, as well as the development of an online forecasting platform and available decision-making tools.

We also hear from Burkina Faso concerning the development of an AA framework with the support from FAO, IFRC, and WFP and the launch of a 2-year pilot program with a focus on drought. Hilaire Nare from FAO then recounts some of the activities taking place in Chad, including a focus on mapping and the formation of working groups related to flood and drought.

Luca sums up some of the big highlights from the region in the last few months, especially the interest and activity related to anticipation across Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Senegal. A Menti page also facilitates further discussion on the key priorities for future collaboration and partnership in the region, with answers stating the need for sharing lessons learned, strengthening coordination for tools, regional trainings, agreeing on joint triggers, and scaling up activities.

Perhaps there is a point of commonality regarding evidence generation where we can work together as a collective group of actors. We can establish some priorities for evidence that we can then translate into advocacy and later on into policy, strategies, and programs across the region. Shirin Merola, WFP, Africa FbF Coordinator 12:04