Letztes Update:

Come and join us at the parallel sessions

We have started with the parallel sessions right now.
You can choose between these two Co-Development Sessions:
  • Harmonisation of triggers in southern Africa
  • Aligning financial mechanisms for anticipatory action in southern Africa
We are looking forward to see you there!


Parallel Sessions 1


Creating an overview of current advocacy efforts in southern Africa

Harmonising Anticipatory Advocacy & Policy Messaging

This session exploded with ideas and initiatives to ensure scale-up and a shift from reaction to system-wide anticipation at all levels. Opportunities for collaboration on advocacy included: the Anticipation Hub where material will soon be available to support advocacy work (reports, case studies, facts & figures, speaking points) including for specific regions and target groups (donors, hydromet services, DRM); the upcoming collaborative session on targeted policy and advocacy messages for the Africa region in the Africa Dialogue Platform for Anticipatory Action (June 29-July 1, 2021); UNFPA creates an Anticipation advocacy brief targeting sectors like food security and disaster management, to ensure they develop early actions considerate of GBV; Welthungerhilfe: advocacy goal is to develop jointly anticipatory actions for droughts in collaboration with multi-sectoral stakeholder projects.
The different regional actors agreed on the need for creating a strong evidence base and figuring out a common way to share the lessons learned through programming. There was consensus on organising sensitization workshops for targeted communities and training of government departments and disaster management committees on anticipatory action and its benefits, in order to foster more regional buy-in.

Hilla Wessel

The Anticipation Hub, its partners and friends from REAP aim to stimulate intra- and cross-regional collaboration on advocacy to align messaging and deliver messages effectively. The reason is simple: because we are better and stronger together. Dr. Nikolas Scherer, German Red Cross, Manager for Policy & Advocacy on Anticipation and Disaster Risk Financing 12:13