Letztes Update:

International networks

“Social media platforms aren't confined to national borders but are active globally," says Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht. “That's why we can only deal with this problem though international collaboration.” This is something the Council of Europe realised very early on, along with the opportunities involved in linking up internationally.

Felix Winnands

Human rights also need to be protected online

The internet offers many opportunities but there are also dangers involved in communicating more and more online. Human rights need to be protected online and offline alike. Alongside civil society, policy makers also need to act, says Foreign Minister Heiko Maas - including on a European level, for example in the European Court of Human Rights. 

Sabrina Fabian

Affecting our social coexistence

Both Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht have had to deal with hate speech in their daily lives. "It's long been the case that it doesn't only affect politicians on a national level but also local politicians and scientists who also speak in public, says Lambrecht. Maas agrees: “It's changing not only communication but also our social coexistence."

Felix Winnands

Heiko Maas, Foreign Minister We have seen all too often that it has started with words and ended in deeds. 09:18