Letztes Update:

Get rid of anonymity?

Opinions differ on whether people should be able to post anonymously online. Louisa Dellert believes that most users would behave better if they had to use their real names. Hannes Ley also notes that fake accounts produce a lot more hate. However, Dr. Christoph Hebbecker says people should be allowed to have anonymous exchanges online. He says those who break the law should be prosecuted, without restricting those who follow the rules. 

Sabrina Fabian

More powers for criminal prosecutions

Often, people posting toxic comments cannot be identified as platforms fail to provide the necessary data - and here, politicians could do more to help, says Dr. Christoph Hebbecker. Prosecutors need a lot more backing in investigations, he says. 

Sabrina Fabian

More counseling services needed

Counseling services are a real help, according to Louisa Dellert. She forwards toxic posts to the organisation "hateaid.org" but says there are still far too few regional services to provide advice and support. 

Sabrina Fabian

Where to report online hate crimes

As public prosecutor in the North Rhine Westphalia cybercrime office in Cologne, Dr. Christoph Hebbecker specialises in online hate crime - but you can report online hate crime at all police stations.

Sabrina Fabian

Many topics attract hate speech

Prosecutor Dr. Christoph Hebbecker provides an overview of the legal situation concerning hate speech: People post illegal comments on a broad range of issues. Sometimes, they use current events as an excuse for posting complaints and offensive comments - for example when electric scooters started appearing in cities. Right now, he says, many comments focus on the pandemic.

Sabrina Fabian