Letztes Update:
Hannes Ley, founder of the #ichbinhier Facebook group We learned at school how we should talk to each other. But that's not something people necessarily apply in their online exchanges. We need to take a practical approach.  12:31

Effective counterspeech

Hannes Ley, who founded the Facebook group #ichbinhier (#Iamhere), shares some advice on how to steer and shape the tone in an online chat. He says counterspeech needs to start somewhere. Either address the tone, by asking about it, or address the content, and continue the debate.

Sabrina Fabian

Where to find help

The Justice and Consumer Protection Ministry lists some organisations that help counter hate speech. Click on the image to find the post on Instagram (in German).

Marcus Hammes

Hate is becoming more aggressive

Luisa Dellert, a greenfluencer and podcaster, has been posting in social media for a long time. Shes noticed that hate has become more aggressive since she first went online. At the start, people focused more on her physical attributes but now, comments are becoming increasingly personal. Also, that hatred is not happening solely online. A few years ago, she was "only" being attacked online, but she's now receiving more and more threats sent to her home in paper form.

Sabrina Fabian