Letztes Update:
"Das Papierstudium ist deutlich spannender als man annimmt. Ich kam für den Bachelor nach München und bin bis zur Promotion geblieben. Es gibt kein Studium, was so viel gelebte Praxisnähe und Netzwerk bietet, wie dieses." - Tim 12:26

Job prospects


First class job prospects are available for graduates of the Master programme. Graduates have very good chances of an interesting career in the world of paper and board. The paper industry offers many opportunities in production, research and development, as well as in the engineering and supply industry.

A Master in Paper Technology provides a wide range of possibilities including mill manager or member of the board of executives. Those careers are not only reserved for men, as has been proven by a number of very successful female students in the past. The paper industry is becoming increasingly global, thus favouring our highly international study at Munich University of Applied Sciences.

Debora Kuder