Letztes Update:

"Data is becoming like wizardry, which is away from the people and starting to not being discussed anymore” – this is how Stefania Giodini from 510 introduced the session (also have a look at the poem).

She took us on a journey of “healthy skepticism” about data. Peter Jin Hong from Google summarized his talk on such skepticism with an exercise – he encouraged us to say “I get to”, rather than “I have to”.

During this session, we also got to analyse data. Meghan Bailey from RCCC discussed how we must not forget about the embedded bias in our information collected; what are you actually collecting and how is this the categorised?

To summarise, there is a fuss about data and many questions regarding ‘more’ and ‘better’ data, but we need to “keep on critically thinking in our community” (Luke Caley-IFRC).

It’s not all about data, it’s really all about people. Stefania Giodini from 510 16:07