Letztes Update:
We forget about the owners of the communities where we collect data, and we think that we know more about them. We really need to be asking ourselves: who are we collecting this data for? Gertrude Namitala, OSM Zambia & Trudigital 16:46

Anticipatory Action in the Americas and the Caribbean: An overview of the trends and emerging issues in the region (sesión en español)

We know that disasters intensify poverty, while poverty intensifies the vulnerability to disasters. Rural areas concentrate 75% of the population living in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. Most people in rural areas depend on agriculture, which is a livelihood extremely sensitive to climate change impacts; agriculture absorbs 23% of the total losses caused by disasters at the global level and 83% when it’s a drought. So, it is clear that more disasters imply more rural poverty and therefore more vulnerability to disasters.  Marion Khamis, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean 16:31