Letztes Update:
Key lessons learnt We are working with the Lebanese Red Cross for 10 years now at the terms of disaster reduction. The key lessons learnt are: 
1. The local partner has a long-term vision of what to reach.
2. You go really from the community level up to the national level to make things sustainable, when you work in disaster risk reduction.
3. They (the Lebanese Red Cross) are the experts, they know their contacts and they know to organise and how to approach their contacts and communities. 
Tiana Hickel - German Red Cross 09:03

An Onion of Engagement

The panel starts with a video about the horrendous explosion in Beirut, the dealing with that - and the parallel dealing with COVID-19. Helping people and following COVID-19 safety instructions were a huge duty, which was fullfiled with a lot of engagement of all participants. 

How does the Red Cross work in Lebanon? Hickel explains that the disasters are not the centre of the work: "It is more like an onion model: The indivual is in the centre, then come local, regional and national layers around it." The Red Cross is starting at community level and starts its engagement here. Analysing the context, vulnerabilities and capacities is the key to response, preparation and resilience. 

Dr. Diana Mantel