Letztes Update:

Order Your Copy of Stephen's Presentation

If you're interested in getting a copy of Stephen's presentation “Eliminating Bias in the Deployment of Machine Learning”, please write us an email including your postal address + telephone number to: marketing.centraleurope@teradata.com

Alexandra Kory

Where is next year's ICIS?

Last year ICIS took place in San Francisco. This year's location is Munich. And next year: Hyderabad, India. More to come on https://icis2019.aisconferences.org

Alexandra Kory

Fun Fact: how the Implicit-Association Test is used to identify stereotypes

The Implicit-Association Test (IAT) measures the strength of automatic associations between concepts in a person’s mind. The IAT requires users to sort different words into two target categories as quickly as possible. The two categories are paired social constructs (such as male-female) and the sorted words stereotyped descriptors (such as “logical”). The more quickly a pair of words are sorted, the stronger the association is thought to be. 

Alexandra Kory