Letztes Update:

Introducing Challenge 3 | Endometriosis

"Who has heard of endometriosis before joinig this hackathon?" Alright, most participantes did – but have you?
What we are looking for here is a tech-based solution to address early and accurate diagnosis of endometriosis, to provide patient support and to raise disease awareness.

Introducing Challenge 2 | Infections of the reproductive and urinary tract

The second track, introduced by Franzi from the Hacking Health Team, is aimed at developing a solution to improve the prevention, monitoring, or diagnosis of infectious diseases targeting and related to the reproductive organs and the urinary tract, in areas with poor healthcare infrastructure. We are looking forward to learning about possible solutions!

Introducing Challenge 1 | Breast Cancer

The first track was being presented by Pfizer: "Who is ready to take up the challenge of creating a solution to monitor side effects of specific cancer treatments in metastatic breast cancer (mBC)?". A solution could enhance therapy since doctors would be able to adapt treatment according to the side effects.