Letztes Update:

Challenges of the new reality

Shopping was very easy in the past: There was a straight line of contracts from consumer to retailer. Then, new reality came and that straight line was gone. Shopping with the help of voice assistants triggers complex processes and many different contracts in the background.

Another important topic are new IT-security requirements, Jansen says. In addition to "old" problems like protection of personal data or unauthorised access, some new risks came up. 

  • No user authentication for voice commands
  • Hacked "skill" would have access to people's homes
  • Number of devices would allow large scale DDoS attacks
Finally there is the big question: Who is liable?

Katrin Baumer

Lawyers got your tongue? – Regulatory framework and compliance in the voice ecosystem

What if the language assistant records private conversations? What if your child orders something from Amazon? Just a few examples of things possibly going wrong. Thorsten Jansen, Lawyer and Senior Associate at DWF gives answers and informs about compliance requirements for vendors, developers, platform operators and others.

Katrin Baumer

Wir verwenden sogenannte "Social Plugins" der Seiten Facebook, Twitter, YouTube und Instagram. Hier verwenden wir eine Zwei-Klick Lösung, bei der standardmäßig nur deaktivierte Inhalte eingebettet werden, die keinen Kontakt mit den Servern von Facebook & Co. herstellen. Erst wenn der Nutzer diese Inhalte aktiviert und damit seine Zustimmung zur Kommunikation mit Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram oder anderen erklärt, werden die Inhalte aktiv und stellen die Verbindung her. Ihre Einstellung speichern wir zudem dauerhaft in einem Cookie, so dass diese Inhalte nach Ihrer Zustimmung beim nächsten mal direkt geladen werden.

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